On our responsibility

It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do,
for which we are accountable.

Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)

We act in accordance with this principle. Our attitude is the basis for everything we do. We want the first article from the Declaration of Human Rights to be a reality: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” We do not tolerate discrimination in any form. As we are aware of the vital importance of an intact environment for us and for generations to come, it is therefore common sense for us to protect the soil, air, water, climate, flora and fauna. We find that working together strengthens our society and helps it to develop. Caring for the well-being of others and sharing our passion with them is not only fun but also very productive. As a company, we are part of society. This means that we are faced with a responsibility, which we embrace with verve and determination – a responsibility to promote ecological and social sustainability through our activities as a company.

Corporate responsibility

We set great store not only by diversity in our product range but also in our workforce. We guarantee equal opportunities in all respects. Whether filling new vacancies or internal promotions, the sole criterion for our decision is how qualified the person is for the job.

When working together with international suppliers, we take steps to ensure that we do not source any raw materials that have been produced under exploitative working conditions such as child or forced labour.

Environmental responsibility

One of the ways in which we protect natural resources is by designing our production locations to be as energy-efficient as possible. In concrete terms, this means recovering waste heat and using it to heat water and buildings. As well as this, we collect rainwater for irrigating our green areas.

We source materials that are farmed using environmentally compatible methods. Since February 2015, we have been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), an organisation that works to promote the sustainable production of palm oil worldwide and allows it to be certified throughout the supply chain. As well as this, our products only contain eggs from barn-kept hens: Ditsch complies with the goals of the German käfigfrei.de alliance and rejects the use of battery eggs completely.

Your responsibility as a supplier

To achieve goals together:
Ambitious goals can only be achieved by working together. One of our most important goals is to maximise product quality – which, needless to say, means that only the finest ingredients will do. Because of this, we work with motivated, flexible suppliers who – just like us – are geared towards meeting demanding customer expectations. We have longstanding partnerships with our suppliers. It is important for us to communicate openly with one another and to help each other to minimise our respective warehousing and transport costs.

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Social responsibility

We provide tens of thousands of euros in financial support to charity projects. We have chosen to put our weight behind investments in cancer research and heart therapy as well as various sports clubs and institutions working to protect cultural landmarks.